The habit of eating unhealthy affects a lot to your sexual life. The 8 following foods can provide energy and increase your endurance during your sexual intercourse.

1. Banana is one of the foods that can boost your sex life
“Make love” needs a lot of energy, which is why sex experts recommend that you should eat a banana a few hours before having sex. Bananas help you to raise the glucose level in your body and stimulate the libido. That will increase the minerals and enzymes in your body so that you can be more confident to have sex. In addition, eating bananas every day also help a lot in adjusting serotonin, a hormone that increase the pleasure in “making love”.

2. Fish : Tips to last longer than 3 minutes in bed and beat premature
Fish is a very nice food for sex life in both men and women. Arginine, a useful nutrient in some kinds of fish that has the effect of creating nitric acid for the body to dilate the blood vessels in the genitals of both men and women, help you to last longer while having sex. Fish also provides the lack of zinc in male body as well as increases the amount and quality of spermatozoon.

3. Vanilla Ice Cream : Sex Tips – Improve your sex life
Vanilla ice cream not only has a great taste but also helps you to last longer in bed. According to a recent research, the scent of vanilla can stimulate the nerves and help man relax. Calcium and phosphorus, two nutrients found in the cream increase your libido and also help you to control your ejaculation time, so that your sexual intercourse will be more perfect.

4. Strawberries can spice up your sex life : The Best Foods and Supplements For You
Like fish, strawberries also contain zinc, which helps you to maintain healthy testosterone levels in men and increase libido for women. In the other hand, eating strawberry can give you more energy to increase you endurance in having sex.

5. Red wine : The Best Alcohol For Great Sex
A glass of red wine will improve your sex life because it releases dopamine in your brain. This important chemical substance is responsible for the feelings of optimism and joy arise in the process of having sex. Besides, if you are in a state of decreasing libido, red wine can be your savior.

6. Egg : Boost your sex drive
Eggs are a rich source of vitamin B, one of the ingredients to help the body to balance hormone levels and reduce stress effectively. In addition, eggs also help you to last longer in bed and reduce the risk of premature ejaculation.

7. Carrot : Home remedies to boost your sex life, increase your libido and last longer in bed
You may just hear that carrot is good for your eyes as it contains 200% daily vitamin A need. But the nutrients in carrot are perfect elements for your sex life. Researchers have found that beta-carotene in carrot helps you to increase the ability of producing spermatozoon and quality of them as well as is a natural remedy that stimulates the libido in both men and women.

8. Honey : Can honey boost your sex life?
Honey is not only a delicious food but also very useful for your sex life. Kama Sutra, one of the best books about sexual health said that using honey regularly will help couple to a healthier sex life. The reason is honey contains a natural sugar called fructose, which increases your stamina, help you to last longer in bed and make your sexual activity more perfect.
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