Diabetes type 2 can be treated without using any drugs. To treat diabetes type 2 effectively, you need to pay attention to diet and doing exercises to keep the blood sugar stable, avoid dangerous complications and supply enough nutrients for your body.

Have a diet with a variety of foods
People with diabetes type 2 should eat a variety of foods so that the body will have enough nutrients to keep health. You should put plenty of ingredients like carbohydrates, protein, fiber and fat to your daily meals in order to help sugar slowly absorbed into the blood and control the blood sugar levels. In each meal, you should eat a reasonable amount of rice and you can replace it with rice noodles, soya noodles… With protein foods group, you should eat beans, lean chicken, pork and fish such as salmon, tuna… With fat, you should choose vegetables oils such as soybean oil, sesame oil instead of animal fat. In addition, you should eat more spinach, asparagus, lettuce, kiwi, strawberry and grapefruit to provide enough fiber and vitamins and minerals for your body.

Choose low sugar foods
To avoid Hyperglycemia, you should choose the foods in which there’re more fiber and vitamins and less in sugar in order to provide enough nutrients for your body and keep your blood sugar levels stable. You should eat legumes such as soybeans, peanuts, peas; less sweet fruits like apple, pears, apricots, kiwi, strawberry, guava and green vegetables such as broccoli, asparagus, carrots, spinach, radish… According to the doctors, fish, shrimp, lean meat are also good for people with diabetes because they are high in protein and low in fat so that they may reduce the effect of bad cholesterol. Selection of foods in a smart way does help you to cure diabetes type 2 effectively.
Divide meals into several small meals
People with diabetes should divide meals in the day to avoid the blood sugar levels increasing after eating and fast hypoglycemia due to the meals are far away from each other. You should eat 6 meals a day and it’s important to have a snack at evening to avoid hypoglycemia at night. You should have a balance diet, eat all the kinds of food every day and do not skip meals. In addition, you should eat the same amount of food each day, don’t let your body hungry as well as overfeed if you want to cure diabetes type 2 faster.

Keep away from high sugar and fat foods
To treat diabetes type 2 effectively, you should avoid foods that make your glucose levels increase such as: fat milk, ice cream, pastries, soft drinks, soda and alcohol… On the other hand, you should abstain from foods that high in fat such as egg yolks, salami, sausages, offal, fries, pizza, and fried chicken… Canned foods, processed foods are also the food that you need to avoid because they contain a lot of salt that raises the blood pressure: instant noodles, dried fruit, canned fish, canned soup… in addition, the food should be cooked by steaming, boiled instead of fried, to reduce bad cholesterol.

Do exercise regularly
Do exercise or play sports daily is not only help you to burn fat, lose weight but also help you to cure diabetes type 2 more effectively and keep your body healthy. Every day, you should do housework, gardening, taking the stairs instead of elevator; avoid sitting around watching television and using computer too much. You should spend at least 30 minutes on doing exercise to improve blood circulation, reduce blood sugar… Walking, slow jogging, swimming, yoga, cycling, and stair climbing are the best sports for you to cure diabetes type 2 more effectively.
It really depends on the diabetes type!
In T1 diabetes you would have to balance your food and blood sugar levels with doses of long/quick acting insulin either delivered by a pump or by injections.
T2 diabetes can sometimes be treated by diet alone (loosing weight, less sugary foods, less ‘bad’ Carborhydrates) but often tablets are needed and sometimes long acting/ intermediate acting or rarely short acting insulin injections as time progresses.